Hepatitis C transmissionc

HCV is transmitted from one infected person to another uninfected person by blood from the infected person. This means that an uninfected person has to be EXPOSED to blood from an infected person. There are many ways this exposure can occur. The most common exposure to HCV infection in Egypt is from formal and informal medical and dental care. For example, injections of all kinds, blood tests or when blood is taken by syringe or by a lancet. A lancet is a small very sharp blade used to stick a finger for example to get blood for testing blood type. There are many procedures and treatments that are percutaneous (means through the skin) or cause bleeding. If the person doing this is not using sterile equipment or materials or may be has not changed their latex gloves, you could be exposed to HCV infection. There is a page on this site that gives more detail on prevention and how you can protect yourself, your family or friends.